APAC Investment News’ Comments
Go back to my first comment on this thread, I clearly stated I was relating my personal experiences. Go to my next comment after that and again I pointed out that I am relating my personal experiences. If you lack the intellectual firepower to connect the dots, that’s your fault. I bet you’re a real treat at parties and around the office. What you lack the ability to understand is that this whole time I was trying to engage you in a casual conversation, something you’re clearly not capable of.
May 6, 2015. 07:26 PMHarrik Can’t say I was submitting this article to get myself in the running for the Nobel Prize in Economics. You’re trying to offer me insight that there are "no jobs" in these places, after I already cited that.
May 6, 2015. 05:03 PMShrug, maybe I’m just blessed to live in lower rent areas. It’d be nice to see markets function more properly and businesses to move to lower rent areas. Given the rise in property prices over the last year (even in the lower rent city I live in, property prices in certain neighborhoods have been skyrocketing and are now above current rent prices), I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re forming a mini speculative bubble.
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