Europe and Japan Agree to Use Data Center Efficiency Metric
Representatives from the US Department of Energy Save Now and Federal Energy Management Programs, US Environmental Protection Agency ENERGY STAR Program, European Commission JRC Code of Conduct, Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Green IT Promotion Council, and The Green Grid met on February 2 to discuss the data center energy efficiency measurements, metrics, and reporting conventions.Brey said the Green Grid is developing clear and well defined language for the way we communicate about energy efficiency metrics, which will give us a common measuring stick for all data centers regardless of their location. With that type of consistency, we can start driving behavioral changes in the industry. announcement follows last year introduction of new programs, tools and metrics and reporting guidelines designed to help data center managers worldwide improve the efficiency of their facilities and operations.The agreement will provide guidelines for companies around the world to assess the efficiency of their own data centers, as well as a way to measure the effectiveness of energy reducing techniques used by other facilities.Subscribe to WHIR Newsletters Get Our Exclusive Report on "The Hosting Infrastructure Ecosystem".Each of the participating countries will endorse or adopt the guidelines to improve data center energy efficiency globally in an effort to accomplish the goals of identifying an initial set of metrics, defining each metric, defining the process for measurement of each metric, and establishing ongoing dialog for development of additional metrics.The organizations hope that these energy efficiency metrics will measure the actual IT work output of the data center compared to actual energy consumption, and measure renewable energy technologies and re use of energy to reduce carbon.In addition to PUE, the organizations also agreed that other metrics are neccessary to achieve these desired outcomes.The organizations have also assembled a task force with representatives from each organization, which will choose when the entire group of participants will meet next based on the level of progress.
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